Simplify. Organize. Export.

Streamline asset identification and organization with our AI-enabled Mobile app. Export to excel or google sheets.

About Us

Asset Verify* takes the work out of cataloging your assets. Asset Verify is a new AI-enabled Mobile app that simplifies asset identification and organization. Just point-click and let our system analyze your asset for make, model, and ballpark cost**. Easily export your cataloged assets to Excel or Google Sheets.

iPhone X beside MacBook
iPhone X beside MacBook

** ballpark costs are in beta and should be used for novelty, a certified appraiser should always assign value to your assets

a close up of a computer screen with icons
a close up of a computer screen with icons

While we bring our solution to the App Store for everyone, we are also working hard to scale our solution and white-label it. Reach out if you have a niche application, we may be able to help.


black and silver laptop computer
black and silver laptop computer

Early Access Beta

person using silver Android smartphone
person using silver Android smartphone